Service maintenance of oil and gas production companies in Тюмени
Service maintenance of oil and gas production companies
шлюмберже - ведущий мировой поставщик технологий для комплексной оценки пласта, строительства скважин, управления добычей и переработки углеводородов.
Scientific research institutes, Service maintenance of oil and gas production companies
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ооо союзгазтехнология
Environmental services, Service maintenance of oil and gas production companies
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Engineering services, Equipment for industrial enterprises automation, Electrotechnical goods, Measuring and control devices, Service maintenance of oil and gas production companies
Service maintenance of oil and gas production companies
Repair of industrial machinery, Service maintenance of oil and gas production companies
oillink ltd - ведущий поставщик. буровые установки, агрегаты и запасные части. наша компания специализируется на поиске и подборе запасных частей и агрегатов производства китай и аналогов для бурового оборудования сша.
halliburton is one of the worlds largest providers of products and services for the ever-evolving needs of the energy industry.
Scientific research and development, Service maintenance of oil and gas production companies
ооо ипигаз - ведущий российский проектный институт, выполняющий комплексное проектирование и инженерные изыскания объектов добычи и транспорта нефти и газа.
Scientific research institutes, Service maintenance of oil and gas production companies
Architectural and Construction Design, Service maintenance of oil and gas production companies
Service maintenance of oil and gas production companies
Service maintenance of oil and gas production companies
Service maintenance of oil and gas production companies
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