Rheumatologist in Тюмени

Therapist services, Nutritionists, endocrinologist services, Therapeutic massage, Beautician, diagnostic centre, Physiotherapist services, Gastroenterologist, neurologist services, Rheumatologist, Multifaceted Medical Centres, Psychotherapist, cardiologist services
Therapist services, Child life specialist services, Pregnancy follow-up, endocrinologist services, Gynecologist, diagnostic centre, neurologist services, medical laboratory, Rheumatologist, Multifaceted Medical Centres
endocrinologist services, diagnostic centre, Somnologist, neurologist services, medical laboratory, Rheumatologist, Multifaceted Medical Centres, cardiologist services
Therapist services, Dermatovenerologist, Medical commissions, Ultrasound scan, endocrinologist services, Dentists, Gynecologist, diagnostic centre, Ophthalmologist services, neurologist services, urologist services, Surgery services, Rheumatologist, Multifaceted Medical Centres, Allergologist, cardiologist services, ENT-deseases treatment, manual therapy
безоперационное лечение позвоночника. диагностика и лечение позвоночных грыж, острых болей в спине, восстановление после родов, женское здоровье. медицинский центр кинезитерапии доктора бубновского в тюмени
595796104, 595912054, 585244589, 596038924, 2357194925, 595965883
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