Demolition of buildings / facilities in Тюмени

Excavation, Special machinery, Ordering special, construction machines, Specialty equipment repair, Demolition of buildings / facilities
Demolition works, Interior finishing and repair, Installation of heating and water supply systems, Sanitary engineering work, Demolition of buildings / facilities, Electrical installation work
Nonferrous rolled steel, Waste disposal and secondary raw materials, Demolition of buildings / facilities, Ferrous rolled metal product
деревянные дома из бруса и бревна (профиль, клеенка, оцл). домокомплекты для самостоятельной сборки. монтаж фундамента на винтовых сваях. строительство под ключ. строительные услуги.
Garbage collection, Special machines services, Ordering special, construction machines, Traffic and Highway engineering, reconditioning of roads, Demolition of buildings / facilities
Pneumatic and compressor equipment, Ordering special, construction machines, Demolition of buildings / facilities
2903536891, 2020493388, 595965972, 1495145050, 2429400173, 2019981884, 595789101, 1599807916, 862151364
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