Oncologist services in Тюмени

Oncologist services, Therapist services, Health care, Alternative medicine centers, endocrinologist services, Breast physician, diagnostic centre, neurologist services, Multifaceted Medical Centres, Allergologist, Weight reduction
Oncologist services, Orthopedist, trauma sergion, Automation of medical institutions, endocrinologist services, Gynecologist, Surgery services, Multifaceted Medical Centres, cardiologist services
neo-clinic сегодня это оперативное лечение гинекологических и урологических заболеваний, медицинская помощь по маммологии,онкологии, оториноларингологии, дерматологии, иммунологии, эндокринологии.
594570214, 2706335052, 2706326712, 2706325897, 1550110951, 2288294444, 585924296
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